
Thursday, October 29, 2020

the kitten

ones a pona time i went in a forest and i found a kitten and it lookd at me and ran of and i trid to get it

Kora and Ella's Adventure

my bee photo i maid all by myself

this is my art photo we maid it with urmi we maid the bees first and then we maid the back round that's my one as you can tell im not done but that's ok my bee is not done either
hi im kora me and our group did art it was funny becuse we all kinda did the same thing but then we all caged it i really liked my one but i know my friends put a lot of effort in to there drawing to.i said to my friends that tears was good too knew i was

my task mask challenge

today we did task master and i did it with Aria Ella Everley and faith AND Laylah  and Uanita  we got given two balls and one egg.we had to balence all the three things and get it in to the buket.

Magic Biscuit


There's two dogs named Oliver and Bailey. They are best friends as dogs. You might think their small dogs but you got that wrong, their HUGE taller than their owner, bigger than their owner, their cuddly and fluffy.there  fur feels amazing. It's like a fantasy to have these dogs their tamed and potty trained, AND guard dogs of course they are. But the owner had no idea how the dogs were so big…



Train ride



It was a normal day but I wanted to go on a fun train ride...But when I got on the train it was moving oddly slow I wanted to see why it was moving a bit slow I looked out my window nothing was there so i got back in my seat and sat back down. I closed my eyes to have a wee nap until I closed my eyes there was a thump that I felt under my seat from the train I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window again still nothing there

I rubbed my eyes again and what I saw was amazing the reason why the train was moving oddly slow and how I got a thump under my seat from out there? But I was in shock of how green it was here but....I had just realized till now i'm on a train ride....But where am I going???? 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Giraffe Hotel

I See a Giraffe Sticking its head trough the window.

I Hear the people laughing at the Giraffe trying to steal the girls food.

I Feel (Touch) The Giraffe sticky tongue lick me. 

I Smell Stinky poo and Giraffe food.

I Taste Yummy food. 

After being with the giraffe I would feel: Happy Because I would be really excited. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Going to Hamner with Aria

In the weekends i went to Hamner with Aria and her sister came and so did her sisters boyfriend.

After we got there we put all of our stuff in the locker and got changed. we got into the first pool and went in the lazy river.

we got out of the lazy river and played in the pool. 

Bailee's boyfriend threw me in the air so high i screamed! Baliee and Aria where so shocked to see how high i went. after we went on slides me and Aria picked who we wanted to go on a slide with i went with Harry (Bailee's Boyfriend) and Aria went with Bailee.